Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, Sept 15 ER visit
Well those wonderful antibiotics the Doctor gave Lloyd for his stitches were not a good thing. yes everything is healing ok but he gave him 2000mg of Keflex a day. Lets just say on day 5 his system had enough! We went to bed at 9pm(yes we are old folk!). Lloyd woke me up a few minutes before 11pm saying he was itching like he had poison ivy! Ok let me wake up put on my glasses and turn on the light. Thinking to myself well maybe he was bit by a mosquito or something. he was wringing his hands trying to take the skin right off folks. Since my lovely daughter was allergic to many things over her life I knew exactly what was wrong. Yes, he had hives and a pretty bad case. I gave him a couple benadrylls and tried to get him into a cold shower. No such luck as he started getting nauseous and light headed and then having a hard time breathing. Ok next step was to call Kaiser advise nurse now almost 11:20. As I'm dialing and connecting of course I'm getting dressed because I know whats next. She advised us to call 911 and get a ambulance to take him to hospital. Calmly I asked for address to hospital and it was only a couple miles away. I knew I could get him there quickly so we skipped the whole circus scene of the ambulance ride. We walked in and they were admitting another kid and then took us right in! yes no waiting only the amount of time it took me to park the car! Lets just say as we were in the room I watched more hives appear before my eyes and his legs getting red with every new hive. Finally Doctor came in and gave him 2 shots. One for breathing and one to take away the hives. One shot was very painful and to see a big guy like this wincing in pain wasn't pretty. The nurse got him a ice pack and said this is normal reaction to the shot. The ice pack made it all better and he began to breath normal and rest. by the time we got out and home, lets just say I wasn't going to sleep for a hour and go to work. Lloyd pretty much slept all of Thursday at home with me watching him.

Stitches, Yuck
Well Lloyd was bit by a spider 7 years ago. Yes seven. All was fine until a couple of months ago when it abscessed. Okay it was getting the start of the hunchback of notre dam. We went to the doctors and the drained it, packed it, and covered it. Gave him some antibiotics and we were on our way. We had to go back 3 days later for them to take packing out and check it. Great Doctor the 2nd time! he explained as soon as it was healed we needed to have the cyst removed or it could happen again. We actually had been talking about having it removed before it even had abscessed. So we made a date with the surgeon to have it removed. All done on a out patient basis and to come back in 12 days and have stitches removed. Okay i am not great with stitches so my first comment when i had to look at it was "Looks like Frankenstein". I'm sure my husband was not happy to hear that but they put these half inch long stitches in and there were 7 of them. I am thinking there are smaller stitched inside the wound and these huge ones were just to hold it all together while it healed. If not that doctor was BAD! So here it is, yes that's my thumb to tell you how large it really is. About 2 inches in length! He took out about a quarter size cyst and we are still waiting on the biopsy results. Maybe Wednesday they will be in when he goes to get the stitches out!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Horseshoe Pit
Monday, July 19, 2010
Tree Down
This is what we saw when we pulled into our driveway today. Our next door neighbors pine tree had a big branch break off and fall in our front yard. Luckily it missed our house and fell around my baby orange tree. I'm sure it was hit but it looks like it is going to be ok. Hopefully when the guy cuts down the tree tomorrow he will take it easy on our lil guys. My orange and nectarine tree are doing good I even have 4 little baby green oranges starting. My avocado tree though i believe will not make it a bit to hot for it. I am holding out that it may pull through but I don't think so.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Horseshoe Backboards in!
Well even though the temperature was over a 100 degrees Lloyd was outside cutting, bolting, digging, cementing! I was inside the air conditioned house reading the paper. Did I mention i am not a fan of temps over 100. lol he had a goal of having it in before our summer party Aug 28th. Well all we have to do now is find some cold rolled steel 1 inch and have them cut it to 36 inches and he will did a hole and cement it in. the horse shoes were already purchased at 2 different garage sales for 2.00 we have like 12 shoes. We only need 4. We are almost done, but now the homework of finding the important part comes. A lot of people just use re bar but that's not what should be used. we even have the correct length for the back boards for distance apart. I can see many nights out there throwing sho
es already! I hope my arm makes it and doesn't die.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Casey's new Haircut
We have started collecting signs and putting them on our fence in the back. One of these signs we had at our wedding behind our table if you remember in the tree. We picked up the Corona and the I luv U today at garage sales. My favorite is the one that says " Normal is just a setting on the washing machine" isn't that the truth! I got the Angel stadium arrow for Lloyd for Fathers Day. We have been in our house for 13 months and we have 13 sign up so I guess we are averaging 1 per month. I know you all go to garage sales so keep your eyes open for signs and help us add to our fence. We have lots of room to go!
Saturday garage Sales!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I'm obsessed with FIREWOOD
Ok I love my fireplace and never want to run out of firewood. You know me I cant stand to have to pay for something I can get free. I am always on the lookout on my bus route for wood and on craigslist. My goal was to get enough so that it could season by next winter. We had it originally just kind of thrown in and then we found through craigslist of course this free wood box and my friend brought some pallets over. So we had to restack everything we had. It is much better now and we almost have everything cut. Michelle was unloading some ash I saw along my bus route. A fellow bus driver Bill has a truck so he went and picked it up for me and then we filled my trunk the first day and Lloyd brought the truck the 2nd day. They had cut it up in 12-16 inch pieces that were perfect for fireplaces we didn't even have to cut any more. So I have been told we have enough now! What do you think?
Sadie's new area
Instead of dirt and a lil grass she now has a area of mostly grass. Well with puppies coming and Sadie and Casey not getting along to well, we decided to make a separate area for Sadie. It's her own lil area where she can be safe from the big dogs. Ok the 1st day we came home and she had dug her way to be with the big dogs. 2nd day not so lucky as we put concrete blocks on both sides of the fence so she could not dig out. This has worked wonders. Now with the puppies it is working great we put Sadie and Willits in this area when we let Casey outside to go potty and then we let them have the run of the yard while Casey is inside with her pups. It is working very well! To bad I had not got this from craigslist as it was another 200.00 project.
Sod in a few areas
I love CRAIGS LIST! I check it all the time to see what I can get free. Well a couple of weeks ago as we were driving home I noticed someone giving away sod. No it wasn't that brand new stuff that is lush and totally green like a park but it was green from his backyard. Normally when they are giving away grass they want you to come and cut and roll it and take it. Well this guy rented the sod cutter and rolled it and was giving it away. Since I saw the post and called within less than 10 minutes I got lucky! Well that's what I say I don't think that was the words coming out of my husbands mouth. The one who had just worked all day and now was going to have to finish driving home and get his lil truck and go pick it up. But like a trooper he did just as I asked. Would of been nice to take the big truck but it still was full with some fire wood I had found that he had not had time to cut up yet. So we picked up as much as the lil truck would hold and we were off to bring it home and unload it,HA HA. We unloaded the next evening and put a few strips in the front yard over the septic area that had not grown back yet from being dug up. Then we put some in the side yard where we put up a new fence to hold Sadie in. Last but not least we then put it in the backyard. We have been going back and forth on bricks, concrete, grass. This made it easy grass and a fire pit to come later.
Fruit Trees
Well we planted 2 more trees a nectarine and a avocado. Both are dwarf trees as we cant have huge trees due to our septic tank. We figure some dwarf trees should be ok(I hope). So now we have a total of 3 planted. Our first tree was a Orange tree and 2nd was the nectarine and today we planted the avocado!
Monday, April 5, 2010
More puppy pictures
Labradoodles have Arrived!!
The much awaited puppies have arrived. One even happened as the earthquake was going so we called it Earthquake! In all we have 7 of them. Mommy has been very protective and didn't get up to go potty until today so only enough time to take a couple of pictures. No sexing the babies yet but I will have to take them to the vet tomorrow or Wednesday so we will know the sexes then.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Biscuits and Gravy anyone?
OK Missie I know you will appreciate this. Lloyd makes me biscuits and gravy all the time. Ok I make the biscuits and he does the bacon and gravy and anything else he wants with it. I found this sausage for him that was habinero pork sausage so he decided to cook it in the same pan with the bacon. He then proceeded to make the gravy. Guess what it was hotter than Haiti's to my taste buds! Yes i took just a dab to try as after he made it he tasted it and figured might just be to hot for me. After the tiny tiny pinkie of gravy i proceeded to get a cup out of the cupboard and pour me some tea and drink it down. Someone advised it would of been faster to get tap water but you know me who drinks WATER???? not me even when my mouth is on fire obviously!!! So he then started the 2nd pan of gravy just for me! Michelle and Lloyd ate it just fine. Well until the next day when lets just say it was as hot coming out as it was going in for him. lol
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