Monday, July 19, 2010

Tree Down

This is what we saw when we pulled into our driveway today. Our next door neighbors pine tree had a big branch break off and fall in our front yard. Luckily it missed our house and fell around my baby orange tree. I'm sure it was hit but it looks like it is going to be ok. Hopefully when the guy cuts down the tree tomorrow he will take it easy on our lil guys. My orange and nectarine tree are doing good I even have 4 little baby green oranges starting. My avocado tree though i believe will not make it a bit to hot for it. I am holding out that it may pull through but I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is NOT GOOD. Thankfully it was not during a storm, and like u said - did not hit the house. Holy crap!
    Kudos to you for actually posting something on the day it happened!!! LOL!
