Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Appraisal Day!!!???

We are on pins and needles today. Its appraisal day and this is what messed up the last house. We put in a higher bid as to get the house but knowing it should come in lower. Per the bank they will except whatever it comes in at but of course thats not in writing. So until they accept the appraisal or we know what it comes in at we are at a stand still. If it comes in at 176,000 no issues and it proceeds straight ahead. If it comes in less then we have to wait for them to accept it and then proceed. We are so done with this tiny 1 bedroom place its not even funny. Our neighbors are really getting to be the pain in the ---.So wish us well today and say a prayer and I'm good with 176 or lower and the accept it. Either way I am just fine. I just want to close by June 17th. That means we would be moving June 18th. Lloyd does not want to be here a minute longer than we need to. We so much want to know by Friday as we want to give our 30 day notice as who wants to pay for a place and not be there! If we wait to give our notice til it closes then we will pay for a place for a month that we wont be living in it. So these next couple of days are going to be the deciding factor.

1 comment:

  1. I am confident it will be fine...and Danielle the prayer warior will be ALL OVER this...after all...Auntie Darla & Uncle Lloyd have a POOL. OMH- she couldn't be more excited! Well except the Aubrey walking thing-that blew her mind. It's all good.
