Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Waiting Game

Well at this point we are just waiting. We will either get good news or heart breaking news. We are hoping for the bank to accept the appraisal price and we complete the sale with not to much closing costs. The heart breaker would be if they want us to pay for all work they did solely. We couldn't do that and would lose out on this one tooo... This market is a crazy one. Well with any luck we will hear tomorrow or the next day. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, hope.. whatever it takes. We are so tired of no yard for our dogs. I know I know I should have waited to get a second dog. Oh what was I thinking. I was thinking we were almost threw escrow on the 1st house. Who knew we would have to look again and start this whole process over again. This is what I don't want to do again.

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