Saturday, May 23, 2009

In Escrow

Well today we went out to the new place and did a walk through. The appraiser comes out Tuesday! We can't wait for this step to be done. We discovered a few new things today at the house that we had not fully looked at before. Some good and some not so good. Well the not so good can be exterminated! Yes we have big big, Did I say BIG black widows. We must of killed more than 6 while we were there. That is definately on the must fix list. The great thing is the shower in the laster bathroom. I discovered in addition to 2 yes I said 2 shower heads it also has 2 jets about mid height. That makes 4 ways to get wet! So if you dont want your hair wet you can turn on the hand held shower head or the jets. The new appliances we picked out are already installed, the fencing around the pool and the vanity in the master bathroom we picked out is oak to match the bedroom set. I can't wait for the bank to except the appraisal price and then we are almost in our new home. This is the 2nd home we are in escrow on as the previous house the owner had it priced to high and once the appraisal was lower he didnt want to budge. This is bank owned and they said they would go with the appraisal price or our bid of 176,000. We are hoping for a appraisal of about 150,000 or 155,000. This home is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, pool and spa! Yes I will need the spa after the 50-60 minute dive home. But can't get a house in Orange county for this price. We will sacrafice the drive for a nice house. I will post some pictures soon!

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