Saturday, May 30, 2009

On the Way

Well their was no negoitating with the bank who owns the house. We are going forward but will end up with a lot of out of pocket money to get the house. Our payments will be great since the price of the house is 135,000! The agent for the bank is pretty much a b- - - - . It was either a take it or leave it. Its a buyers market as far as a lot to choose from but they are not willing to deal at all. And so many of the houses are trashed to the point of you cant even live in them without sinking atleast 30,000 into them. So cross those fingers we have to close by 6/17 or its $100.00 a day. There is no give and take at all. I really hope we can get it all done by 6/17.

1 comment:

  1. I think the house is in great condition and will be perfect for you guys. Bummer that the bank wasn't able to give a little. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth closing.
