Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lloyds trip to Moreno

Well we had AAA coming out today for a home inspection so we can get homeowners insurance. They are 1 of the few companies that have to inspect first. So Lloyd worked 1/2 day and then met the agent at 11am. We were also going to have the septic dug up and certified good but the bank wants everything to go through escrow even though we have to pay for it. So we cancelled the guy and only did one of the 2 things we set out to do. I would of rather killed 2 birds with 1 trip but i guess 1 will have to do. Lloyd also sprayed for spiders! Since the house has been vacant for awhile some BIG black widows thought they could take up residency. We killed at least 6 of them 2 weeks ago, so we sent him with bug spray in hand to finish the job. The pool was also low in water so with the help of the next door neighbor they filled the pool. The pool timer is missing some part so it has been running continuously. The next door neighbor is going to keep a eye on the water level and run the pump for us. This way the pump doesn't burn up. I have a pool guy going out today or tomorrow to give us a bid and hopefully if that nice agent will let us, we will start service next week so it nice and clean by the time we move and full of nice chemicals. On the to do list is fixing some dry rot in the eaves and the septic tank. Hopefully that's it and all will be good with both of those. This agent is doing everything in her power to get us to cancel escrow. Today she asked for proof we had enough for repairs and a letter from lender accepting repairs be added to escrow. The branch manager thankfully wrote a letter advising we had enough to cover closing costs and repairs and that repairs would be allowed. Can't wait to see what her next trick will be. I am guessing if she gets it to fall out of escrow her person will jump right in and probably get a better deal since it fell out and they will want it to close quickly. I wish she would give us a deal! Well hopefully by Friday we will have underwriting done and we can finalize everything.

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