Sunday, June 7, 2009

52 is the lucky number

Today we packed 52 boxes! Boy were we busy today. And about 8 loads of laundry mixed in. It sure has been a busy long day. I started off the day with motrin and had some more with dinner. I'm sure my arm will hurt for the next few days. Although I was very good and had Lloyd lift and move all the boxes, I still lifted alot of times the light stuff that filled all those boxes. Well we are pretty much out of boxes now. I gathered all these boxes last week. I will be on the hunt again this week for boxes. I refuse to pay for them when I can find them in peoples trash stacks. Most of the boxes were even cut down and stacked. I even found a bunch at a house where they just moved in. I left a note on the door because the boxes were still in the driveway. The lady called me that night and I picked up the boxes. They were perfect boxes for all my cds and movies. I have got pretty lucky with finding them! Well we will see what this week brings!

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