Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finally we signed!!

Yes folks we have it! Lloyd got off at 1/2 day today at 10am and did the dog thing and showered and picked me up from work at 12 noon. We drove out to Temecula. Traffic was good so it only took a hour at 75mph! It took about an hour to sign everything and we are done. It should fund tomorrow and then record on Thursday. So keys will be in hand Thursday and the moving truck is ordered. The mileage cost is what will kill you! U Hual wanted 99 cents a mile, I found a place for 35 cents a mile. Since a round trip will be 120 miles and we should have at least 3 trips if not 4. Yes count up those miles ladies, its a killer!!!!!! But it will be the last time I move. I think?! Ok I spell checked this time!!!!!


  1. What no post yet on Wednesday? Did it fund? Recording & Keys tomorrow? Details!!!!

  2. WAHOOOO! That's awesome! There is no stopping it now. Can't wait to come visit you sometime later this summer once you're all moved in and settled.
