Wednesday, June 17, 2009

79 boxes and No Docs Yet

This week has been so crazy. 1st we added 1 box to the stack so we are at 79 Boxes and hopefully done packing until the night before when we pack those few items we have kept out to live. I thought we were going to docs, but that wasn't the case. Underwriting thought that it was investor owned and that they were trying to flip the house. I guess you can't buy a house and have it for less than 3 months. This I guess just changed hands between banks a month ago. This took some time to figure out. Then we had signed a form for them to get our taxes. We signed the form jointly but should of signed 1 form each as taxes were done separately. I hope this is the last snag. They have assured me it will only take 1 day in docs. I really want to sign on friday at the latest.

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