Thursday, June 25, 2009

FUNDED and recording Friday!!! 101 boxes

Well we were funded today at 9:59am I got the call it was done. I double checked with the escrow company and made sure they recvd the funds even. They are going to record on Friday then all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed. Lloyd is getting off at 1/2 day at 10am to get the truck and then a trip to Home Depot for a worker. Hopefully we get all the house moved as Lloyd's plan is to sleep there Friday night. Well we packed another 23 boxes tonight so I believe that puts us at 101 boxes. Tomorrow or Saturday there will be more boxes once I can get to the dressers in the garage and the shelves of food. Who knew I had this much crap in a little 1 bedroom home. You would never of guessed this much. Pool heater is broken per the gas guy but don't worry we will work on getting it fixed as soon as we can.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! That means you're in full move-mode right now as I type since it's Saturday! Moving is the worse, but it will be worth it!
