Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nothing goes without a glitch :(

Ok it was suppose to fund today. Well before it funded they wanted to see the septic tank certification. Ok I had turned this in over 2 weeks ago. They should of had this but oh no they had to request it again from my loan lady. She did forward it to them but there we so many files closing today it didn't make it by the cut off time. Ok folks had I know I would of taken yesterday off signed early and made them fund yesterday. At least then today it would of been funded. So I am assured that it will fund first thing in the morning and can be recorded the same day at of course a small same day fee! Nobody goes without their hand open. It's killing me....... Well we had already planned on going out to the house tonight. So I got off work at noon today and went to Home Depot for just a few things. HA HA When do you ever go to Home Depot and just get a few things. Lets just say I was out of there at 2PM! First on our chore list was putting up a temporary mailbox. We can not get mail unless it is next to the road. So here it is the 9.99 special!

The labels were compliments of my secretary Beth at work as I had already packed my label er. the 2 gentleman in the pictures are our retired neighbors. OK 1/2 at least of the neighbors are retired and then there are also a few kids who all play right across the street from our house. That's ok though they seem really nice and they just play good old fashioned basketball with no load music or even cussing. Its nice to see kids play outside, even a few small ones on bikes.
So Lloyd also washed down all the windows and patio's and walks outside. While I was inside vacuuming all the rooms and Windex all the interior windows. I removed lots of dead flies and cobwebs. We had the gas guy come out as we had no hot water either. A gas company person had come out while no one was there and left a note that everything was fine. FINE I say..mmm .. no hot water means cold shower. This is not happening in my book so I called them back so someone could come out while we were there this evening. The guy was so nice. It ended up that the valve was turned off on top of the water heater not allowing any water out of the new tank. Silly us. He also made sure the fireplace worked:). It looked great with flames in it. Ok now for the bad news we found out tonight..... The heater doesn't work on the pool. Ok this means no hot water in my Jacuzzi. This is not good. So as soon as we move in we will be using that home warranty. I knew we needed it for a good reason and it will pay off. The pump also sprouted a small leak. And the stupid construction people hooked up one faucet backwards. The hot is on the cold side. Silly them so Lloyd will fix that next week. Lloyd also caulked the sliding glass door to our shower as last time I was there and turned on the shower we had a puddle or two on the floor where the water came out of the track. Why is it people who get paid to do a job don't complete it like it should be done. So overall we did get alot accomplished tonight. We will pack the rest of our stuff Thursday night and on Friday here we go. Lloyd is getting off work at 10am to get the truck and start moving. By Saturday we will have everything moved and then the fun begins. Saturday I also have scheduled our Verizon Fios guy. They say it will take 4-6 hours for him to set up tvs and phone with the new fiber optic stuff!!!! Can we say faster Internet and better picture on tv. I will try to post again Thursday night before I unhook everything. With any luck I will be up and running again Saturday evening.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! How awesome i can't wait to meet the neighbors. I am so glad they are so friendly. Mailbox looks good. Don't forget to put the numbers on it. You can buy them at the hardware store. See you in a week! Yahoo. The kids are gonna have a fit about that cold get right on that! =)~
