Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wildlife is Wonderful

On Sunday evening we got into the pool for about 1/2 hr. It was just getting dark and guess what we saw? You will never guess!!... Are you wondering? Are you guessing??? Ok I can't keep this up...... We saw a OWL!!! It flew from one tree to another. It was wonderful to see this in our backyard. Now today Tuesday on the way to the freeway we saw a coyote this morning. This is wildlife week I guess. To top it off on the way home this evening we saw a herd of sheep eating grass in the fields right next to the road being herded by dogs and 1 man. There were at least 2 sets of 2 dogs. 2 by the road or should I say ditch to make sure they don't go that far and then 2 by the man. It truly was something you would see at a movie. So 3 different types of animals in 3 days. Bubba what do you think? I hope you get to see some of these animals also. And we didn't get home in time for unpacking or RR. We had another trip to Home Depot for a lawn mower and weed eater. I also got a medicine cabinet for my bathroom. YEAH A girl needs lots of space for all her junk and that little 18 inch one was just not enough. So now I have a 36 inch one and I think that will work. Yes pictures to come soon. But hey sometimes I had to wait for a month just to see a new blog Missie so a couple of days with no pictures ...mmmm now you know how WE feel. LOL But I do have some cool pictures coming. Like the dogs new drinking bowl. All of you will be on the floor laughing when you see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yay! well very cool that there are animals. Haha welcome to country life u city girl! LOL. Bubba is scared to death of owls, so we wont mention that one K?! One more day till we hit the road.

  2. 1 whole week and no updates. Maybe you should stop playing around with your family & get to it. LOL That would be ME! Hahaha. Aunties Darla's house is all things FAB and the kids are thoroughly enjoying the pool (2-3 x per day)
